
From Rebeldroids Wiki

Revision as of 18:39, 15 September 2016 by Kresty (talk | contribs)

Treadwell was seen in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope when the Jawa's were trying to sell droids and on the Lars Homestead.


There is information in the WED Treadwell Plans files section

3D printable bits are in the Treadwell 3D files

Reference photos are in the Treadwell Photos album

There's a great thread on the found part for Treadwell's Eyes in the Treadwell forum section.


Treadwell appears with Luke in the cut scenes that were being considered for the movie's opening where Luke would look up and see the space battle above.

(Gallery Link)

Build Logs

Paul's Treadwell and

deathproof's New Treadwell Build

(forum discussion page for Treadwell droids)


TBD - feel free to add construction tips here.