I made a quick pdf file with the outlines of the "patches" of the training remote.
![[Image: thumb_Draft_Flat_Parts_for_Training_Remote.png]](http://www.rebeldroids.net/gallery/albums/userpics/10017/thumb_Draft_Flat_Parts_for_Training_Remote.png)
Draft Training Remote Parts Outlines
I haven't built these, so they may not be correct. Got dimensions from 3D model, seem to agree with Frank's instructions, but could be wrong.
Not complete for CnC or laser, need laid out better.
- I started from 3D shapes and they kinda match Frank Cerny's scratchbuilt dimensions
- I haven't actually built them.
- You need 8x of most sets, and one of the top/bottom pad - but I didn't lay them out since lasers/CnCs may need different arrangements.
![[Image: thumb_Draft_Flat_Parts_for_Training_Remote.png]](http://www.rebeldroids.net/gallery/albums/userpics/10017/thumb_Draft_Flat_Parts_for_Training_Remote.png)
Draft Training Remote Parts Outlines
I haven't built these, so they may not be correct. Got dimensions from 3D model, seem to agree with Frank's instructions, but could be wrong.
Not complete for CnC or laser, need laid out better.
I build in Lego! Blogs at:
http://L3-G0.blogspot.com (or http://L3-G0.com for short)
http://MCK-Y.blogspot.com and
http://L3-G0.blogspot.com (or http://L3-G0.com for short)
http://MCK-Y.blogspot.com and