DRK-1 Dark Eye Probe
Stub for the DRK-1 Dark Eye Probe aka Sith Probe Droid seen in Episode I
We have a lot of good images for this, seems like the biggest missing piece is the scale - oh, and how to make it fly, but mostly the scale.
One of the biggest current questions is "what size is it?" Wookiepedia says 0.3m, however the movie stills seem a little smaller "about head sized". The very similar Star Tours Japan model seems toward the larger end though. It is probably around 9" to 12".
The movie probe was CG, but we expect it to be reasonably 3D printable (once we get the models sorted out a little better).
Gallery has several reference photos - need something for scale though.
A Small DRK-1 Subforum with a couple threads discussing this droid.
Terrible 3D model in the 3D files section.