Visual Droid Index

From Rebeldroids Wiki

Revision as of 02:00, 30 October 2017 by Kresty (talk | contribs) (Animated Droids)

More popular droids

MSE-6 Mouse Droid Jedi Training Remote H015 Sentry Droid
Treadwell Pit Droid GNK Power Droids
RIC-920 Rickshaw Droid Toolbox Droid
Astromechs (R2-D2) BB Droids (BB-8)

Other Droids that don't really have info yet:

Note the "yet" - you can help! Other builders would appreciate any information you have to share about these droids!

KPR Servant Droid Protocol Droids (C-3PO) IG-88 Assassin Droid
WED-15 Septoid K-2SO Security Droid 8D8 Smelter Droid
Imperial (Viper) Probe Droid DRK-1 Dark Eye Probe IT-0 Interrogation Droid
2-1B Surgical Droid FX-7 Medical Droid IM4-099 Sentry Droid
TT-8L/Y7 Gatekeeper Droid WED-9-M1 "Bantha" Droid LIN "Demolitionmech" Droids

Animated Droids

ID9 Seeker

Not Droids

Detention Block Cameras Fusion Generator

Droids on other Sites is the "main" place for Artoo and most other Astromechs. is where most of the BB-8 builder info can be found.


PZ-4C0 and RA-7 Protocol Droids have 1 or 2 pictures each in the gallery.

CZ-3 and EV-9D9 were mentioned as an aside in a thread, but we don't really have any info about them.

There were several other droids mentioned based on a few frames in one or more of the shows, but very little was mentioned about them.