LIN Droids
LIN Droids were seen in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope when the Jawa's were trying to sell droids and on the Lars Homestead and a different one on the Death Star.
LIN Droid Subforum has some discussion of the droid.
Reference photos are in the LIN Droids Photos album
Worth extra note is the photo from the Dec 1977 Electronics Today International:
Build Logs
None yet?
The bottom track bits look like they might be from a Treadwell? Spacing and stuff look similar.
There appear to be two LIN droids in A New Hope. LIN-V8K that the Jawas try to pawn off to the Lars, and LIN-V8M that appears on the Death Star. It's unclear if they're just repainted versions of the same model or if they have bigger variations than that. The Death Star version may have different tracks.