IG-88 Assassin Droid

From Rebeldroids Wiki

Revision as of 20:49, 12 April 2017 by Kresty (talk | contribs) (Created page with "We have a dearth of info on IG-88. <img src="http://www.rebeldroids.net/gallery/albums/userpics/10017/normal_IG88.jpg" width="200"> We have a mostly empty [http://www.rebe...")

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We have a dearth of info on IG-88.

We have a mostly empty subforum. Which says:

A thread asking about IG-88 was started on astromech, so I created this subforum.  I know this is a unique droid that has a small but passionate following, so hopefully we can collect some info.
Astromech thread is here: http://astromech.net/forums/showthread.php?22694-Not-quite-the-droid-you-were-looking-for-IG88-build-Need-help!
And that pointed to an RPF thread here: http://www.therpf.com/showthread.php?t=231559&highlight=IG88


Part of him is built from a Jet Engine - no, really!


Rebeldroids.net subforum TheRPF Thread About IG88's head

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