Fusion Generator
The Fusion Generator is what charged Artoo on Dagobah in the Empire Strikes Back. Presumably it could be used to power lots of your droids!
Photos - Collected from the astromech.net thread and other sources Fusion Generator Reference] section.
The Fusion Reactor thread on astromech.net details SavageCreature's process while he created all the digital files.
The generator has plans in the Files section! http://www.rebeldroids.net/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=74
There are Fusion Generator Construction plans in the files section.
The current plans are "beta" quality and require both 3D printing and Styrene flat packs.
- Several parts are intended to be cut as a "flatpack" and assembled
- Other curvier details are expected to be 3D printed.
- Parts like hoses will need sourced. Please let everyone know if you find the perfect thing!
Build Logs
Fusion Generator Construction plans details Savage's creation of the plans.
Let everyone know if you have construction tips!
If you find great sources for hoses or whatnot, let us know!