Audio Modulator Circuit

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Revision as of 03:58, 18 September 2016 by Dyne (talk | contribs) (Tweak wording)

I had a need for this circuit for my Hardware Wars Artie Deco build. However, I can see where people might want something similar in an actual Star Wars droid, so I thought I'd write up this document.


For those who haven't seen Hardware Wars, Artie has a single blue eye light that flashes "in time" with his sound effects. (As with everyone else's dialog in Hardware Wars, Artie's "lip syncing" is completely wrong, but I'm not reproducing that part. It could be accomplished with no circuit, merely by varying his light randomly for a few seconds after triggering a sound.)

To accomplish something similar with the Neopixel Jewel that I was using for his eye, I needed a simple way to feed the audio level of my MP3 board (a Catalex Serial MP3 player board) back into one of the Arduino Uno's analog inputs, where it could be read and then used to scale the brightness of the neopixels. As my convention deadline was rapidly approaching, I also needed to do it quickly.

Essentially I had to build it with the parts I had on hand -- no special chips, op-amps, or other odd components.

After some research, I came upon the idea of using a voltage divider. This consists of one very common ceramic capacitor (which I had already salvaged from some other circuit many years ago), some wires, and two pairs of resistors (named R1, R2, R3, and R4 ... this is starting to sound like something meant for droids already!). You can see the resulting circuit on the bottom right corner of this image:


(Don't let the rest of that image scare you, I just had the majority of Artie's electronics temporarily kludged together for testing.)


If you decide to build this yourself, you are at your own risk. I seriously doubt the circuit poses much danger to you (except maybe the soldering iron), but be careful, and ask questions if something seems unclear. Please don't blame me if you smoke your Arduino/neopixels, or catch your droid on fire, or whatever. I'm no electronics expert, but I have built this and it worked.

Theory of Operation

If you just want to build the circuit, you can skip this section. This is just an explanation of what it is and how it works.

To understand this circuit, you need to realize that audio, both in your computer/droid as a digital file, and as an analog electrical signal, is a wave. That means it has a center, and both positive peaks and negative peaks away from it. The peaks of each wave represent amplitude, otherwise known as volume (tall = loud sound, short = quiet sound, at least when averaged together over time).

(Note that I'm talking about monaural audio. Stereo audio is just two separate waves -- aka channels. One for each ear. We don't need this for a single light, so we totally ignore one channel. If we wanted to react to both channels, say if we had two different "eyes", we can simply make a second circuit and connect it to a different arduino input.)

Inside the computer the peaks of the wave are just numbers. For the purposes of discussion, let's say the positive peaks are 127 and the negative peaks are -128 (the positive is one number shorter because the computer considers 0 to be a positive number.) When you play this file, these numbers will get converted to a positive or negative voltage. That voltage is what gets sent to your speakers or headphones or whatever.

For a line level output, the voltage usually ranges from about +1 V to -1 V. 127 becomes +1.0 V, -128 becomes -1.0 V, 64 becomes 0.5 V, etc. For a headphone output, like the one on my MP3 board, the voltage range is even smaller (something between 0.2 V and -0.2 V)

There are two problems with this.

This Signal Is Not Used By The Alliance

First, either signal is much weaker than we'd like. An Arduino analog input wants a voltage between 0 and 5 V, which it converts to a number between 0 and 1023 in your code. If it sees at most 1 volt, it can only give you a value of ~205 or less.

If it sees at most 0.2 V, then things are even worse ... the highest value it can give you is ~41. Instead of being able to distinguish between 1024 possible wave heights/voltages, you can only distinguish about 40. It therefore takes a lot more change in the audio to produce any noticeable change in the brightness of the lights. Ideally, we would amplify this signal (make the waves taller). Since I didn't have any special electronic components, I couldn't do that. I just had to scale the input in my code.

Second, think about the voltages a little further. If they range from a positive voltage to a negative voltage, that means this is an AC (Alternating Current) signal. It's rather like the electrical wiring in your house, only much weaker.

However, an Arduino is a DC (direct current) circuit. As I said before, the arduino's input wants a range of 0 v to 5 V (specifically, 0 to +5 V) The problem here is that the Arduino's analog input cannot understand negative voltages. They could even damage the Arduino if they are strong enough. We need a way to turn this AC signal into a DC signal before we can even hook it up.

Well, what is a DC signal? It's just a voltage that doesn't go positive to negative, right? It's all one or all the other. In our case, we want it all positive.

We can't just strip off the negative half of the wave, because both halves contain information. (Also, I didn't have the parts to build a rectifier.) We need a way to SHIFT the voltage in one direction or the other. And that's what this circuit does.


In the schematic, the voltage divider is just the part of the circuit that's forms a vertical line between 5V at top and the ground symbol at the bottom, with R3 and R4 in between. A voltage divider is merely a circuit that creates a new voltage somewhere in-between two reference voltages. We've connected it to 0 V (ground) and +5 V. As R3 and R4 are equal in value (10 k ohms), the divider splits the difference between these reference voltages evenly, so if you measure the voltage at the point between the two resistors, you get +2.5 V.

How can we use this? Well if we take a signal that at any given instant is somewhere between -1 V and +1 V, and we add 2.5 more volts to it, then we end up with a signal that ranges from +1.5 V to +3.5 V. Voila, we have an all-positive DC signal, which the Arduino can understand. (Those numbers are just 2.5 - 1 and 2.5 + 1. The same idea applies to a signal that ranges from -0.2 V and +0.2 V. Instead of +1.5 V to +3.5 V, we'll get +2.3 V to +2.7 V, but it's still DC.)

And that's what the rest of the circuit does. The two wires for our audio are connected, one to each input. These go through resistors to the capacitor. The capacitor smooths out the AC signal a bit (the waves become less jagged), ultimately making our lights a bit less flickery. The capacitor is connected to the voltage divider, which adds its +2.5V to whatever is coming from the capacitor. Then the output is connected to one of the Arduino's analog input pins.

Circuit Construction

"If any of my circuits or gears will help, I'll gladly donate them" -- C-3PO

You need a headphone (TRS) connector that still has a short length of its wires attached. I cut mine off of an old pair of dead earbuds, but you can buy them new if you want (in which case I'd buy a mono TS connector rather than stereo TRS).

My connector is stereo, so it has two obvious wires, one for each channel/ear. One of these earbud wires will be ignored because I only have one "eye" (if I had two, the second copy of the circuit would be connected to this other wire).

Input Side

Strip a bit of the insulation off of the wire we are using, and you'll see that inside is probably a bit of white thread-like padding, and two more wires: a positive and a negative. It doesn't really matter which wire is which, but the positive is usually colored red or green and the negative is usually copper. Each wire gets a 4700 ohm resistor soldered to it (those are R1 and R2).

You will probably have difficulty soldering either wire unless you strip the acrylic coating. It acts like invisible insulation and also repels solder. In my case, I removed it with a tool purchased especially for the purpose: I burned it off with a cigarette lighter from dollar tree. Just use the briefest flame, otherwise you'll melt away the end of the wire that you are wanting to solder.

Once there's a resistor on each wire, take both of the resistor leads that you haven't soldered anything to, and twist them together. Then twist that together with one of the leads from the ceramic capacitor. Solder these three leads together.

Voltage Divider

Now we need to make the voltage divider. Take two wires (I used breadboard jumpers -- one red wire, one black -- that were cut in half with male connectors on the end, and the other end stripped to bare wire). Solder a 10k ohm resistor to the bare wire end of each one. If you are looking at the schematic, that's R3 on the red wire and R4 on the black wire.

Putting It All Together

Another male breadboard jumper cut in half (in my case white) will serve as the output connector. It will plug into the Arduino's analog input. Take the bare end of this wire, the currently non-soldered ends of R3 and R4, and the non-soldered lead from the capacitor. Twist all four together. Then solder them.

To insulate the circuit, I used a liberal coating of liquid electrical tape on all of the exposed wires and leads. You could use regular solid electrical tape instead, or even heat shrink tubing if you can make it fit. However, it will be somewhat difficult to use the tubing if you didn't realize that you needed to put it on before soldering things together.

I made a small 3D printed case to house the modulator circuit after I took the picture at the start of this page. It is just a thin plastic box with one hole on one end and three holes on the other, for the input and output wires respectively.

Now the circuit is complete. All that remains is to plug it up.

I need to not only have the Arduino react to the audio, I also need to be able to hear it. My MP3 board only has one headphone jack, so I used a standard headphone splitter. The input to the modulator circuit (that is, the 3.5 mm earbud connector) that I just described above is connected to one output of the splitter. Artie's "audio system" -- just a simple pair of USB powered speakers -- is connected to the other. Using a splitter probably lowers the voltage of the audio signal even more, but this setup does work.

The red jumper (if you wired yours like mine) connects to +5V. The black jumper connects to ground. You can just use the appropriate pins on the arduino.

The white jumper plugs whichever one of the Arduino analog inputs you like. I used the first, analog pin 0.


Now that the circuit is built and connected, we need to decide how to process the value the Arduino picks up from it.

From the above discussion, you may have realized that we'll need to scale them up. That's so the tiny voltage range our audio signal gives us doesn't equal a dim light. In audio terms, we are normalizing. Arduino programmers probably are thinking of the map() function right now. Your instincts serve you well.

We also need to deal with the formerly negative half of the signal. Our analog input came from a voltage centered at 2.5 V, which the arduino interprets as a value of ~512, and it goes up and down from there. We want it to start at 0 and only go up. So we'll need some rectification (changing the negative values of the wave to make them positive). Through the Force, many visions you will see ... the past, the future ... math classes long gone. I suspect that if you reread the bit of this paragraph that's in parentheses, many of you will sense the phrase absolute value.

This audio signal is also invariably going to have some electrical noise due to interference from other components in the circuit, nearby brushed DC motors, etc. And since our voltage range is tiny, noise tends to be more obvious. We'll need to ignore values below a certain threshold, otherwise our light will constantly flicker on and off, even when no audio is playing.

Data Smoothing

The way this setup works in Artie (if I'm in audio modulator "mode") is that every time I go to update the neopixels, I read the current value of the analog input. That gives me the current strength of the audio signal. I use this value to scale the neopixel brightness when I update them. This happens over and over, constantly, even if no audio is playing (in which case, I hopefully read something below my noise threshold, and the light stays dark.)

However, audio waves -- even with the capacitor for filtering -- are complex and inherently jagged. Because I'm unlikely to be sampling the analog pin at a rate even close to the frequency of my mp3 files, I skip over a lot of the detail of the waves (which reduces their complexity and thus makes them smoother), but I also lose most of the continuity and smooth transitions between values (which makes the result more jagged). Since that's a wash, we still end up "inherently jagged".

The upshot is that the lights will probably end up very flickery if we just use the raw analog input on the neopixels. We can improve their behavior by averaging the current value at the analog input with the previous average value. This will smooth out the waves further.

For simplicity, I'll back up and describe the result in terms of line level voltages rather than the numbers in our code: If the audio jumps from 0 to 1 volt in one sample and then stay at 1 v for the next ten samples, the effect is as if we'd read 0 v for the first sample, 0.5 v for the second one ((0+1)/2), 0.75 for the third ((0.5+1)/2), and so forth. Rather than immediately jumping, it gradually approaches 1. It falls off the same way ... gradually.

We probably want sudden spikes and drops to matter a bit more than this, so we need to treat the current value as a bit more important than the running average. That means we need a weighted average. In my case, I just take previous average and add the current value twice, then divide the result by three. (previous+current+current)/3. In our imaginary scenario, this would be like reading ((0+0+0)/3) = 0 V, ((0+1+1)/3) = 0.667 v, ((0.667+1+1)/3) = 0.889 V, etc. A bit quicker to react, but still not as jittery as the raw analog input.

(To be continued)