MSE-6 Mouse Droid

From Rebeldroids Wiki

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The MSE-6 "Mouse" Droid is most remembered for being scared by Chewbacca in the Death Star corridors of Star Wars IV: A New Hope. However, it appears through VII: The Force Awakens, perhaps event more often.

Build Logs

Several folks have been building mice, these might be helpful: Toby's MSE-6 is a great build log. Paul's got a thread with lots of interesting details. Roger's started an MSE-6 build. SDW Mouse Droid - Shubert's build. Lynelle has a thread for King Arthur. Savage of course starts from 3D models. MCK-Y is a Lego Mouse Droid for something different.


Photos - We need more Mouse photos in the Mouse Reference] section. The Mouse Droid forum on rebeldroids has info He has plans in the Files section! There's also info on the Yahoo Mouse Builder's group and some on


We never heard any sounds in the movie - maybe next time?

Parts Reference

The Sentry has flat sides, I'm not sure of the original material.

  • Antennae - there are 3 antennae on the top
  • Head
  • Black neck ring - this contains LEDs on some sides. The blue one is "front" on the movie droid for operator reference.
  • Body
  • Skirt
  • Faux wheels - each corner has a small black ball pretending to be wheels. In practice they sit a few mm above the floor.
  • Lego greebles! - Yes, Lego! The bottom black details were created from Lego, then molded and cast in lightweight resin. Each of the 4 sides is theoretically identical, though I notice the seems in the corners don't fit perfectly on the movie model.
  • Holonomic drive - the movie droid has 4 omniwheels arranged so that it can rotate in place and move in any direction. Allows interesting movement and makes it fun to drive.

The original is not terribly heavy but awkward enough to be a two person lift when we saw it being carried off the stage.


There are flat pack files in the gallery! No complete builds yet, but they should be straightforward to laser/cnc/hand cut from styrene.