MSE-6 Mouse Droid

From Rebeldroids Wiki

Revision as of 16:14, 29 October 2017 by Kresty (talk | contribs)

The MSE-6 "Mouse" Droid is most remembered for being scared by Chewbacca in the Death Star corridors of Star Wars IV: A New Hope. However, it appears through VII: The Force Awakens, perhaps event more often.


Photos - We need more Mouse photos in the Mouse Reference] section.

The Mouse Droid forum on rebeldroids has info

He has plans in the Files section!

Additional Resources

Early on there was the Yahoo Mouse Builder's group and there's some info on

More recently a Mouse Droid Builders Club Forum has been created.

There's also a Facebook page for mouse droid builders.


There are MSE-6 flatpack plans in the files section.

Build Logs

Several folks have been building mice, these might be helpful:

Toby's MSE-6 is a great build log.

Paul's got a thread with lots of interesting details.

Roger's started an MSE-6 build.

UK MSE-6 Builder's Club Droid - cute & fun!

SDW Mouse Droid - Shubert's build.

Lynelle has a thread for King Arthur.

Savage of course starts from 3D models.

MCK-Y is a Lego Mouse Droid for something different.


The MSE-6 did not make a huge variety of sounds in the films, but we have a few to work with. In addition fans have created some other fun MSE-6 related sounds.

Mouse Droid Anatomy

  • Body - the main shell of the droid
  • Top Greebles - there are two identical rows of details on the tops.
  • Side circuit board - two different surplus circuit boards were used. From the various droids left it appears that droids had different patterns of chips on different builds.
  • Skirt - runs around the bottom of the shell with cutouts for the wheels
  • R/C car frame - Mouse Droids are built on an R/C frame


The MSE-6 is a fairly simple droid compared to some. The movie droid is built off of an R/C car body with a custom shell.

Car Frame

The important aspects are finding a frame with the correct wheelbase, or a frame that can be extended to the correct wheelbase. Other important donor car details are:

  • How will it support additional MSE-6 weight?
  • Can the wheel width be extended appropriately?
  • Can appropriate wheels fit it?


Shells have been made in numerous fashions. Since the shell is fairly simple, there are runs of vacuformed shells which can make a build pretty fast. However, since it is simple, it is fairly easy to cut styrene shells using the flat-pack plans in the MSE-6 file library.



  • Recommendations for car frames?
  • Where to get shells from?