Difference between revisions of "MediaWiki:Common.css"

From Rebeldroids Wiki
Line 2: Line 2:
/*body { background-color: #3f5562;}*/
body { background-color: #3f5562;} /* this changes the color behind the left navigation bar*/

Revision as of 12:52, 11 June 2016

/* CSS placed here will be applied to all skins */

body { background-color: #3f5562;}  /* this changes the color behind the left navigation bar*/

/*#mw-navigation { background-color: #73818c;}*/

#mw-page-base { background-color: #73818c;}

#mw-head-base { background-color: #73818c;}

/*.noprint { background-color: #73818c;}*/

#mw-content-text { background-color:  #888888;}   /*this changes the color behind the banner*/