One of the most important aspects of building a droid is proportion. You can get the size wrong, but as long as the proportions are correct the droid will still look 'right'. In my searchings I ask anyone I think might know of a good resource and one such individual said, "I think there are some orthos in the
Star Wars Chronicles: The Prequels. " I sent out some e-mails to friends who might have the book, and long story a little shorter one of them sent me this image.
These are awesome images and I'm thrilled someone was willing to share them.
I have also collected a few more images I believe to be from publications, but some of them I'm not sure which book or books they're from (if anyone knows, please speak up!). These show a number of good details that I haven't been able to see as clearly in other images.
This one is from The Phantom Menace Expanded Visual Dictionary.
you can see that what looks like simple silver rings in the hip joints in most images are actually ball joints, allowing for greater movement and some of the details on the arms are more clearly visible, among other things.
I'm not sure what this one is from. I found it on Wookieepedia. Like the image above, there are details of construction that can be seen clearly in this image that are obscured elsewhere.
and lastly, another pair of them that I haven't been able to find the publication for, but as there is text included in the images, they're obviously from something. Google brought me to these.