(07-23-2019, 09:26 AM)savagecreature Wrote: That's cool!
(I'm super impressed by the Lego US Air jet in the background
If you ever came to visit I'm sure we could take in the museum...
I was wondering what people'd think of the plane in the background. It's a funny one to me because it's actually only part of a plane - that that's not obvious in this photo. I kind of find that plane one of their more boring exhibits (it's mostly intended to show off the inside a little).
I've been to a lot of aviation museums and I think 'ours' is pretty good - though I'm a bit biased living here I guess. Doesn't hurt that you can visit a shuttle cockpit
https://www.museumofflight.org/Plan-Your...iner-Tours - you can get closer to the trainer (like on it even) than other shuttle exhibits. Though I was a little disappointed 'we' didn't get a real shuttle, the trainer's almost better.
The Red Barn and it's exhibits on early aviation are really interesting, lots of aviation history there. It doesn't hurt that Boeing's here and supports the museum a lot. (The first 747 is at the museum).
Hmm, that makes me wonder...
The Intrepid is the last aviation museum I've been to. It's cool, though a shuttle on an aircraft carrier is a bit odd. Their collection is probably smaller, but its fun to see a ship and sub.
The Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum is fun because the Spruce Goose is there. There's also a waterslide out of a 747 next door. It feels more like an eclectic collection of airplanes though (I guess it's missing the Red Barn stuff).
The National Air & Space Museum (Smithsonian) is, of course, cool, and there're a lot of planes at the VA location (though most folks only see the mall). It's been a long time since I've been there.
The National Museum of the US Air Force in Dayton is unbelievably huge. Also been a while, I remember being pretty overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of aircraft there.
Been forever since I've been to any of the German museums, but the Technik Museum Sinsheim is nice. More cars than planes though! And, of course, the Deutches Museum.
I was fascinated that the Kansas Cosmosphere has so many different space capsule type things. Like, in Kansas? Why there? It has Russian stuff as well as US though.