(06-10-2016, 04:52 PM)deathproof Wrote: If this comes out well, would you try it again using styrene?
I don't think so. I built my other robots from cardboard, and I like that. But my main arguments are that I am not sure if I have the tools at hand for working with styrene (I never tried it), and that the cardboard solution is much cheaper. The latter is also the reason why I'm not aiming for a true 1:1 copy of the original. For example, I will probably use a cheap two wheel drive system (like this one[url= https://amzn.com/B00UN7M16G][/url]) instead of a better solution with four omni wheels. On the other hand, not aiming for a true replica also enables me to add a few details, like LEDs, which make it more fun to watch.
[url= https://amzn.com/B00UN7M16G][/url]