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Surgical Droid

I am working in conjunction with another local Aussie to create a life sized Medical Droid from the original trilogy.

The plan was I was going to create him in fusion 360 and then my friend is going to 3d print him. He has 3 CR10 printers 500x500x500 so is more than capable of creating him.

So over the last couple of months I have been building the Medical Droid from photos and some blueprints I found.

Above is where I am at and below is what I have been working with:

[Image: normal_61942450_372644450044100_62443533...1424_n.jpg]

The Legs are going to be PVC pipes as well as the arms and the printed parts are going to be slotted over them. The Torso is going to be the most interesting as its going to be 3d printed in clear filament. Probably a first, so it will be interesting to see how it goes.

So I will try and keep you updated with how it goes and add more pictures accordingly.


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Just a few more bits.

Here is another posed version of the Medical Droid I have been using.

One of the key starting points for scaling was this blueprint I found. Hopefully its correct, it appears to be. We have done the odd variation to it as with blueprints, there can be modifications to when the actual build starts.

[Image: normal_60345002_584981345346731_66528816...9824_n.jpg]

So plenty of more I can show you in due course. I may post pics of the fusion work in segments for you.


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Cool, thanks for sharing!  There's been sporadic interest/discussion of the 2-1B Medical Droid, so this is pretty cool!

There're a few pix in the gallery for 2-1B.
(06-23-2019, 07:48 PM)kresty Wrote: Cool, thanks for sharing!  There's been sporadic interest/discussion of the 2-1B Medical Droid, so this is pretty cool!

There're a few pix in the gallery for 2-1B.


I am happy to share the work and once we start making the Droid, I will post more pics and share the files for it.



So I am still working on the Medical Droid Legs.

The original Prop in the film didn't show the legs so they appear to just have used a metal or wood plate that the legs mount onto:

[Image: normal_64951874_1569135983220976_4553956...1328_n.jpg]

[Image: normal_65051854_347902009437420_30958228...2800_n.jpg]

Here are some toy versions of the Medical Droid that have feet:

[Image: normal_Surgical_Droid_Toy_2-1B_28129.jpg]
Toy Surgical Droid 2-1B
Toy Droid - for foot "reference" as screen used droid has no feet!

[Image: normal_Surgical_Droid_Toy_2-1B_28229.jpg]
Toy Surgical Droid 2-1B
Toy Droid - for foot "reference" as screen used droid has no feet!

Personally, I don't think the toy version is in keeping with the original Prop. I am still fiddling with the Feet at the moment but this is where I have moved to. I think the idea flows better with the original:

[Image: attachment.php?aid=334]

I will be making it so the builder can have the choice of Movie accuracy or modification.

More Soon.



(06-26-2019, 05:31 PM)Templar66 Wrote: [Image: attachment.php?aid=334]

I tried changing it to an img tag to make it bigger, wow did it make it bigger:
(the other ones I moved to the gallery)

(06-26-2019, 05:31 PM)Templar66 Wrote: Personally, I don't think the toy version is in keeping with the original Prop. I am still fiddling with the Feet at the moment but this is where I have moved to. I think the idea flows better with the original:
Totally agree, those feet look pretty ungainly, bulky, and weird. I wonder how much of that was predicated on making the toy easier to build?

Your lower leg is much better. Not quite as taken with the + shaped foot. Most of his torso is kind of roundish. Maybe look at the upper thigh/hip area for inspiration. It's a short tapered cylinder, maybe something like that?

Or... maybe the museum is actually universe accurate? Doctors need to stay in the hospital, perhaps he was really bolted to the floor! (Like ST's EMH, can't leave sick bay).

I think I agree.

I think I will create the authentic base for the Droid so that we have an accurate representation.

Thanks for working on the pictures.

It will be good to get them larger.

Here is a picture of the original prop base. Well I assume it was original, unless they bolted to the Droid directly to the floor:



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I like your idea of making "better feet". Too bad someone in LFL or something doesn't "fix" the toy!
(06-27-2019, 11:20 AM)kresty Wrote: I like your idea of making "better feet".  Too bad someone in LFL or something doesn't "fix" the toy!


The initial plan with this build was for this chap in Australia that I have been doing alot of fusion 360 work for. He has been building a K9, different versions of R2's, C3PO, all 3d printed. He wants the Medical Droid to stand next to his C3PO and suggested alot of theses adjustments.

So with the Droid, I have finally completed most of the work. Its aimed at a supposed walkable version, and is stylised accordingly. I know I keep saying it but I will make the prop base in due course and I am open to suggestions how we can make the Droid look different if other designs may be more suitable.





Last night I changed the knees to make them look as though the Droid can walk.


I have got the basic dimensions and photos to start creating the Head and Neck so that will be the next project.


Here is a link to the STLs for the Medical Droid that I have done:!AvRwElqdJSG7ipVUvQCE...g?e=NZazt4

Hopefully this will see more Medical Droids being made out there.

I still need to create the head for the droid but that is a new area of fusion work for me, so may take a while. I believe the head stls can be purchased, but when I do it I will share that free too.

If you start printing this, and find any problems or adjustments that are needed, let me know and I will make changes. Perhaps email me at for speed.

These files are for the version I have created here with feet. It would be a case of leaving the feet off and mounting the legs to a base plate if you needed to follow the original prop totally.

Kind Regards


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