I am Frank, 46 years old and live in Germany. Therefore please first please my English. I need to use a translator ...
I've fallen in love with the Web Treadwell droid. It is extremely flexible. A base and changing bodies (is the word correct?).
This is my first model building project at all. Therefore I fear it will take very long ... Since I have neither the experience nor the tools for wood, I will use foam. For suggestions and criticism, I am always grateful, even if I may not be able to implement
I am looking forward to a great time here with you
I am Frank, 46 years old and live in Germany. Therefore please first please my English. I need to use a translator ...
I've fallen in love with the Web Treadwell droid. It is extremely flexible. A base and changing bodies (is the word correct?).
This is my first model building project at all. Therefore I fear it will take very long ... Since I have neither the experience nor the tools for wood, I will use foam. For suggestions and criticism, I am always grateful, even if I may not be able to implement
I am looking forward to a great time here with you