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Paul's MSE-6
My MSE-6 is the scaled version. I built him after I completed my R2 and was eager to do another droid. The droid is completely R/C with sound triggers from an iPod.

So this is more of a show off thread then a build log, But I am posting a few pictures from the process. If anyone has questions, I would be happy to help. Folder

I was going to post pictures, but haven't been able to master that yet. So you can click the link and see a small album of this build.
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(11-08-2014, 02:34 PM)Paul6700 Wrote: My MSE-6 is the scaled version. I built him after I completed my R2 and was eager to do another droid. The droid is completely R/C with sound triggers from an iPod.

So this is more of a show off thread then a build log, But I am posting a few pictures from the process. If anyone has questions, I would be happy to help. Folder

I was going to post pictures, but haven't been able to master that yet. So you can click the link and see a small album of this build.

go to the image in photobucket that you want to include, right click and select "copy image location"

in the post editor click the image icon, click in the text input window, make sure you either delete or select the "http://" so you can paste over it, right click and select paste.

Preview your post and you should see your image.

If that doesn't work for you, let me know and I'll include some images to clarify.

you can also move images to the gallery here on the forum and take advantage of the automatic resizing. And if you want to get really fancy you can link the intermediate size to the full size image.

[Image: 2014-03-23171707.jpg]
Thanks Savagecreature, this weekend I will try this again.
Bot Builder
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Looks good. I'm hopeful we will see a run of the top greeblies and boards.
Here is my series of pictures of how I built my MSE-6.

[Image: IMG_0272.jpg]
The basic Robot platform.

[Image: IMG_0241.jpg]

[Image: IMG_0160.jpg]
All of the electronics installed into the shell.

The top greeblie, I put together a PDF document on how I created these for my scaled MSE.

[Image: IMG_0228.jpg]

The side panels and top greeblies installed.
[Image: IMG_0269.jpg]

Primed the whole body then painted it flat black with silver accents.
[Image: IMG_0281.jpg]

[Image: IMG_0279.jpg]

The finished scaled MSE-6 Droid.

[Image: 2014-03-23171736.jpg]

[Image: 2014-03-23171707.jpg]

[Image: 2014-03-23171700.jpg]

Thanks Savagecreature for helping me out with the photos.
Bot Builder
My YouTube Channel:
Very cool!
That's an awful full lookin' MSE. What all do you have in there?
Cool! You're innards make Lara's MCK-Y look un-cramped!
Actually as a kid I often wondered why the batteries wouldn't last longer on my toys. As an adult I just figured out you just need a bigger battery. Most of the space is taken up by the 5amh SLA battery and the amp. The rest is fuse block, receiver, ESC, voltage display, Bluetooth reciever and relay.
Bot Builder
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Are the wheel hubs "standard"? How do people figure out what to do with their hubs?

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